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Proactive threat assessments, reactive incident response, digital forensics, and malware analysis help prevent and respond to cybersecurity incidents.

How it works

Working closely with our partners, we detect active and historic cybersecurity breaches for quick incident response and recovery. We assist you in understanding the attack vector and developing a successful remediation strategy.

The CPX advantage

Our elite incident response teams have strong experience in responding to complex nation-state cyber breaches.

Our Offerings

  • Breach Response

    Detect and respond to cybersecurity breaches in real time, mitigate and eradicate the threat, restore any potential loss of function, and recover the environment.

  • Incident Response Retainer

    Receive an allocation of prepaid hours that you can use in the event of a cybersecurity incident and for proactive defense-based services.

  • Proactive Defense Services

    Proactively assess the preparedness of your organization through incident response capability assessments, incident response plan development, table-top training exercises (TTX), and technical review of playbooks and processes.

  • Threat Assessments (Deep Dive, Rapid, OT)

    Identify active threats or signs of historical compromise within your environments through deep-dive assessments, quick assessments focused on network or host, and assessments specialized in OT/ICS/SCADA environments.

Transform your security posture with our managed security readiness and response services, with frameworks, technology, and expertise proven in the UAE and beyond.

Let’s get in touch